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She's A Rainbow (Jagger/Richards)

She comes in colors ev'rywhere,
she combs her hair
She's like a rainbow,
coming, colors in the air
Oh, everywhere, she comes in colors

She comes in colors ev'rywhere,
she combs her hair
She's like a rainbow,
coming, colors in the air
Oh, everywhere, she comes in colors

Have you seen her dressed in blue?
See the sky in front of you
And her face is like a sail,
speck of white so fair and pale
Have you seen a lady fairer?

Have you seen her all in gold?
Like a queen in days of old
She shoots her colors all around like
a sunset going down
Have you seen a lady fairer?
She comes in colors ev'rywhere,
she combs her hair
She's like a rainbow,
coming, colors in the air
Oh, everywhere, she comes in colors

She's like a rainbow,
coming, colors in the air
Oh, everywhere, she comes in colors

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Jimmy Page.
Robert Plant.
John Pol Jones.
Page - Plant.
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