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Comin' out of Nowhere
Drivin' like rain
Stormbringer dance
On the thunder again
Dark cloud gathering
Breaking the day
No point running
'Cause it's coming your way...

Ride the rainbow
Crack the sky
Stormbringer coming
Time to die
Got to keep running...
Stormbringer coming...
He's got nothing you need
He's gonna make you bleed

Rainbow shaker
On a stallion twister
Bareback rider
On the eye of the sky
Stormbringer coming down
Meaning to stay
Thunder and lightning
Heading your way

Ride the rainbow
Crack the sky
Stormbringer coming
Time to die
Got to keep running...
Stormbringer coming...
He's got nothing you need
He's gonna make you bleed

Coming out of nowhere
Drivin' like a-rain
Stormbringer dance
On the thunder again
Dark cloud gathering
Breaking the day
No point running
'Cause it's coming your way

Menu Led Zeppelin
Тексты песен Led Zeppelin.
Перевод песен Led Zeppelin.
Табулатуры Led Zeppelin. Tabs.
Альбомы студии.
Jimmy Page.
Robert Plant.
John Pol Jones.
Page - Plant.
Каталог Статей.
Аудио Led Zeppelin
Миди файлы Led Zeppelin.
Видео Led Zeppelin.
Аудио Led Zeppelin.

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