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Lady Luck

She was a juke-box dancer
A blue eyed gypsy queen
She always had an answer
For what she'd done
And where she'd been
A feathercane Lady Midnight
For all around to see
She spoke with words of wisdom
And this is what she said to me

Lady luck
C'mon give me what I want
Pull me up
Lady luck
If I see you again
I will call you my friend...

I have always been a sinner
But then the lady came along
She stole my heart and turned me 'round
'Til I didn't know right from wrong
She whispered words of kindness
I'd never ever heard before
Golden words and silver tongue
'Til I really couldn't take no more

Lady luck
C'mon give me what I want
Pull me up
Lady luck
If I see you again
I will call you my friend
C'mon shake me.....

Lady luck
C'mon give me what I want
Pull me up
Lady luck
If I see you again
I will call you my friend

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