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Melody (Jagger/Richards)

Melody Melody
it was her second name
it was her second name
it was her second name

I came home one morning
About a quarter to three
I'm banging on my door
Cause I just lost my key
Open up baby you got someone else inside
I'm gonna come and get you dead or alive

It was her second name
It was her... <ž I took her out dancing
But she drank away my cash
She said I'm gonna fix my face
Don't you worry I'll be back
I'm looking for her high and low
Like a mustard for a ham
She was crashed out in the bathroom
In the arms of my best friend

It was her second name
It was her...

Then one day she left me
She took everything that moved
She took my trailer home
She took my Sunday boots
My nose is on her trail
I'm gonna catch her by surprise
And then I'm gonna have the pleasure
To roast that child alive

Melody (What I say)
It was her second name

Melody Melody
It was her second name
It was...

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Page - Plant.
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