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Fight (Jagger/Richards/Wood)

Yeah man

Gonna pulp you to a mass of bruises
'cause that's what you're lookin' for
There a hole where your nose used to be
Gonna kick ya out my door

Gotta get into a fight
can't get out of it
Gotta get into a fight

Gonna blow you to a million pieces
Blow you sky high, I don't care
Splatter matter on the bloody ceiling
Blow the building right into the air

Gotta get into a fight
can't get out of it
Gotta get into a fight
gonna put the boot in
Gotta get into a fight
Yeah, watch me now

What I want is power, more power
What I need is an innocent life
Wanna do it in the broad daylight
I'm the truck, I'm suicide

Gotta get into a fight
can't get out of it
Wanna get into a fight
gonna get away with it
Gotta get into a fight
Watch me, watch me now

It's all for the greater glory
It's all for a saturday night
There's a hole where your face used to be
I got you in my telescopic sight

Gotta get into a fight
Gonna shoot the bullet
Can't get out of it
Wanna get into a fight
Gonna get away with it

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Page - Plant.
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