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Child Of The Moon (Jagger/Richards)

The wind blows rain into my face
The sun glows at the end of the highway
Child of the moon, rub your rainy eyes
Oh, child of the moon
Give me a wide-awake, crescent-shaped smile

She shivers, by the light she is hidden
She shivers like a lamp lady vision
Child of the moon, rub your rainy eyes
Oh, child of the moon
Give me a wide-awake, crescent-shaped smile

The first car on the foggy road riding
The last star for my lady is pining
Oh, child of the moon, bid the sun arise
Oh, child of the moon
Give me a misty day, pearly gray, silver, silky faced, wide-awake,
crescent-shaped smile

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Лучшие хиты LZ
Too many tears
Sad Sad Sad
Bron-Y-Aur Stomp

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