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Ramshackle Man

My clothes don't fit and I have no point of view
I got a bad reputation but I don't believe it's true
I had something going but I blew it down the can
Not exactly what I planned

I'm a ramshackle man
That's what I am

I look like a joker but I feel like a one eyed jack
Shuffling around never get to the top of the park
I said to the dealer put the ace in my hand
But he couldn't give a damn

I'm a ramshackle man
That's what I am

I sit down thinking bout the things I have to do
I start out fine then I pick up something new
Stumbled through the door that's how it all began
Now it's buried in the sand

I'm a ramshackle man
That's what I am

The stars shine bright when the boys come out to play
Never feeling more than I'm feeling right here today
I used to be fresh but now I'm second hand
I do what I can

I'm a ramshackle man
That's what I am

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Page - Plant.
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