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Love Don't Mean a Thing

If I work hard every day
For my money
If I work my fingers down to the bone
That ain't funny
Now if I see
Something I can't buy
I put a dollar down
Then I try, try, try
To get my money
I need my money

A woman who ain't got a dime
I can't use her, no
If she ain't got no cash money
I've got to refuse her
I need a woman
With a whole lotta will
So she help me, baby
Help me pay my bill
I need my money
I've got to have money

I need lovin' to give me a livin'
So don't ask me
I don't need forgivin'
I will stand up to count the cost
But I know I won't stand the loss

I need a woman
With a whole lotta will
She can help me pay my bill
I need my money
I want my money

Before I say my prayers
I count my money
When I wake up
It has to be there
My money
You see, love _ it don't mean a thing
When she loves you
She can't bring, can't bring you no money
I've got to have my money

Lookin' for lovin'
I need a livin'
Lookin' for lovin'
I need a livin'

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Page - Plant.
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