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Sail Away

If you're driftin' on an empty ocean
With no wind to fill your sail
The future your horizon
It's like searchin' for the holy grail
You feel there's no tomorrow
As you look into the water below
It's only your reflection
And you still ain't got no place to go

Time will show
When, I don't know
Sail away tomorrow
Sailin' far away
To find it steal or borrow
I'll be there someday

Woman I keep returnin'
To sing the same old song
The story's been told, now I'm gettin' old
Tell mewhere do I belong?
Feel like I'm goin' to surrender
Hard times I've had enough
If I could find a place to hide my face
I believe I could get back up

Time will show
When I don't know
Sail away tomorrow
Sailin' far away.
To find it steal or borrow
But I'll be there someday

Sail away tomorrow
Sailin' far away
To find it steal or borrow
But I'll be there someday

Sail away tomorrow
Sailin' far away
To find it steal or borrow
But I'll be there someday

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Jimmy Page.
Robert Plant.
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Page - Plant.
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Лучшие хиты LZ
You Fool No One
Brown Sugar

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