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Led Zeppelin - Led Zep I, аккорды
  I`m interested obtaining all of the TAB  out there  for LED ZEP I
  I`ve included the following transciptions (*)  to  motivate the
  net. TAB was originally obtained from Nevada and others.
  Please post improvements and Additions to what I`ve posted
  And then I`ll repost A Led Zepplin I Complete TAB in a few weeks
   YOU SHOOK ME BABE    (I`ve only seen the AC/DC)
   BLACK MOUNTIAN SIDE  ***This is at Nevada but as a GIF: Please post
 "Good Times, Bad Times" by Led Zeppelin:
       E5                                      [:     D         A    :]x5
  This is the intro, taking you up to the chorus. ("Good Times, Bad
 Times...")  There are actually two guitars here, but I`ve tried to simplify
 things as much as possible for one.  Also, watch for minor changes in the
 fingering, as there are changes not only between the hammers-on and slides of
 the two guitar parts, but between each time the bit is repeated.  My symbols
 above the TAB, "[:  :]x mean to repeat everything betweeen the brackets and
 colons, and do it the number of times followed by "x", in this case five times.
  Here`s the chorus, in which I`ll TAB out the two guitar parts
 separately, as there is quite a difference:
 Guitar II:
                x x                                 x x
   ("r" stands
    for "rest")
 Guitar I:
  At this point "Sixteen I fell in love..." both guitars play the same
 part, which is:
     [:F#5       E5F#5   E5F#5  F#5       E5 F#5  E5F#5:]x3
  Watch for changes in which notes are struck and where rests are taken
 each time you repeat.
  Now the chorus comes again, but this time it`s in B, use chord changes
 between B (x2444x), Esus4 (00222x), and E (02210x).  At "when my woman left
 home..."  go to a C# (x4666x) on "woman", to a B (799877) to an F#
 (x9.11.11.11x).  Hopefully, you get the picture.  I could TAB it out, but it`s
 not that complex, and I`m feeling lazy.
  Here`s the solo:
            hold bend
  The letters following the numbers refer to bends, b for a whole step, h
 for a half step, q for a quarter bend.  In some cases there are combinations,
 "bb" means two full steps, while "bh" would mean to bend the note one and a
 half steps.  You probably can also tell that guitar II has it`s own variation
 through much of the solo, which Isn`t haven`t included.
 "Babe I`m gonna leave you" by Led Zeppelin (Remasters).
   Am      Am        Am7sus4 C         D       Am6       F       E
   Am7     Am        Am7     C         D       Am6       F       E
 First Verse:
   Am7     Am        Am7sus4 C         D       Am6       F       E
 These four bars are repeated several times. Then there four bars that
 go like this:
 I`ll leave you when the summertime......
  Bes maj7 F         E7      E
 When things get heavier after these nice chords, play:
   Am              Am7  A#m5
 G-2--several times-2-]-5-----------]-repeat several times------
 After drums and the distorted guitar the chords are:
 Am (V) ] G(III) ] D(II) ]  F(I) E
 Babe I`m Gonna Leave You
 Babe I`m Gonna Leave You (parts thereof)
 repeat this a bunch of times, then do the following twice:
 Do the first lick again, except the first high G (i.e. 3rd fret 1st string)
 drops to an E (open 1st string), and the first middle D (3rd fret 2nd string)
 drops to a C (1st fret 2nd string).
 The chords in the next section (you know the rhythm):
 Then back into the first section, and into the second part, then the
 next part 4 times:
 Then the cool hard strumming part (this is really an electric and
 an acoustic part: I`ll just give the chords for the acoustic part)
 Do this a few times, then there`s a little thing where you just use
 the last two chords I wrote (the F and the E):
                         Dazed and Confused
 b - bend         - slide down
 / - slide up    ~ - vibrato
 The bass starts, and then the guitar comes in, playing this:
    _______ Let ring  _______Let ring
   ]                 ]
 e----12---------------22b-------------------    If you have a 24 fret guitar,
 B-12--------------22b---------------7b~~/---    you can play 24 with out ben-
 G-------------------------------------------    ding, instead of 22b.  I don`t
 D-------------------------------------------    know how Jimmy Page played
 A-------------------------------------------    this, but I have a 22 fret
 E-------------------------------------------    guitar, and 22b sounds right.
 After this bit, the first verse starts ("Been dazed and confused for so
 long it`s not true . . . ").  Most of this is just bass.  There is a small
 guitar part there, but I can`t figure it out.  then the drums enter, and
 the following riff is played.  I`ll call it riff A.
 During all the other verses, this is played during the vocals, but the
 first time, the same riff is played, only on the low E string.  Then, the
 loud, distorted guitar enters.  I`ll call this riff B.
 e-------------------    This riff is played 4 times, and then you go back
 B-------------------    to riff A.  It`s a sort of `chorus`, although there
 G-------------------    aren`t any words.  After another verse, there is a
 D-2-2-2-----0-2-----    part where Page uses the violin bow, but I don`t have
 A-2-2-2-0-2-----0-2-    one, so unfortunately, I can`t tab this bit out.
 E-------------------    Then, the solo starts.  The beginning is some
 variation of riff A, but then it gets too fast for me.  After the solo, it
 goes back to the riff A/riff B pattern.  This is as far as I got.
 Dazed and Confused
 The opening is played with harmonics, not straight.  The "12"`s are harmonics
 at the 12th fret.  The "24"`s are harmonics at the 5th fret.
 The main guitar part is actually two guitar parts: (played together)
 Guitar I:
 Guitar II:
 b - bend 1/2 step up.  Actually, in part I, let the 12b drop back to 12
 before plucking 12 again.
 Another cool part of this song is an instantly recognizable riff:
  Led Zepplin`s "Communicaton Breakdown".
 The main part is plucking an open E and changing between D and A at the fifth fr
 et.  So:
     D   A  D
  This pattern doesn`t change until the Chorus, where it switches to:
        A5  A6A5  A6  A7  A5A6A5  A6  A7  A5A6A5    A6A7  A5A6A5    A6A5
                    ]             ]                 ]
        Semi P.M.----     Semi P.M.       Semi P.M.--     Semi P.M.-----
    B5  B6B5      B6B7  B5B6B5    B6B7 B5B6B5      B5B7  B5B6B5    B6
                      ]               ]
 ----------------------    Semi P.M.---
 note:  The parts where it looks like I have the 119th fret indicated came from
 the inconvenience of a two digit number (11), therefore no dash.  The part
 where it says "1199" and "77" are due to this same problem, as well as that two
 sixteenth notes are played while up until here the pattern has been eigth
 notes.  In other words he doubles time splitting the note into two, but not
 skipping a beat.  This isn`t really complex at all, the problem is the way I`ve
 written out the TAB. It wouldn`t be confusing if I knew how to do this
 properly.  Sorry.
  Then back to the main riff of eigth note Es and the D-A-D changes,
 after which the chorus is repeated.  The second time through the main riff and
 chorus there are some minor changes which are probably not too hard to figure,
 including some slides and harmonics (at the seventh fret).  This is because
 there have actually been two electric guitars doing this part, and the second
 guitar changes to these minor variations.  Anyway, let`s get to the solo:
  During the solo the second guitar repeats this pattern (until the
        E                 D     A   E
        Semi-P.M. throughout
  Okay, this is probably a no-no to do in writing TAB, but to write the
 solo I`m going to pretty well forget about having the dashes mean anything in
 terms of keeping time, and just get the notes down in proper order.  And I
 thought I had no problems with tablature.  Anyone who wants to "clean-up" a
 copy of this and repost is welcome to, perhaps along with sending me a detailed
 e-message as to exactly where I went wrong tabbing things out.  Anyway, lead
 guitar goes like:
 =====================How Many More Times
 ARTIST: Led Zeppelin
 The main riff throughout the entire song goes like this:
 This repeats a bunch of times (with the lyrics - see below) and then:
 How many more times,
 treat me the way you wanna do?
 How many more times,
 treat me the way you wanna do?
 When I give you all my love,
 please, please, be true.
 I`ll give you all I got to give: rings, pearls and all;
 I`ll give you all I got to give: rings, pearls and all.
 I`ve got to get you together, baby, I`m sure, sure you`re gonna crawl.
 How many more times,
 barrelhouse all night long?
 How many more times,
 barrelhouse all night long?
 Well, I`ve got to get to you, baby, oh, please come home.

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