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We're Wastin' Time (Jagger/Richards)

We're wastin time
Inside my mind
The thought her won't go away come every day
We're just wasting time

We're wasting time
My clothes are fine
Still fresh and clean
Her sweet perfume in our old room
We're just wasting time

With that face that I've seen
Maybe thinks the same as me
Well nothing that we're learning
While the hands keep turning

Oh girl! Oh girl! Can't you see
We're wasting time inside your mind
The thought of him won't go away come every day
We're just wasting time

Oh girl! Oh girl! Can't you see
We're wasting time inside your mind
The thought of him won't go away come every day
We're just wasting time

Oh wer're just wastin time
We're just wastin time
We're just wastin our time
Oh we're just wastin our time, darling
Don't you know we're wastin our time

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